By Karen Dums
We go through so many phases in our writing life. I chanced upon some poetry I'd scrawled on a piece of scratch paper, unfortunately it was undated. Some of it was quite beautiful. The reader could tell I was writing of something that touched me deep. These days, weeks, months, perhaps years later I no longer recall what that something was. Puzzled, I pondered it and came upon one of those starkly honest moments where I got it. It doesn't matter who or what I was writing of at the time. If the words are good, if the meaning is fundamental, it's writing of worth. Time doesn't matter. It will stand that test.
Oh dear. That sounds like braggadocio doesn't it? It's not. I don't value my overall worth as a writer that much. But occasionally I come up with something I like. Being my own worst (and harshest) critic that is an amazing thing! Please let me have this little moment of "hey, that poem was good".
The place I'm residing as an author now is much different than those older words would indicate. I've got a completed novel under my belt at last (something I never dreamed I'd have). I've begun the querying process (something I never dreamed I'd do). I've an eye to a new endeavor in the young adult genre (something I never dreamed I try). It's scary. Yet as writers we must embrace some change if it means we're growing, enhancing our craft. Besides the muse is as changeable as the wind...and sometimes about as friendly. It can push towards places we really didn't intend to go.
Once upon a time I would have worried over writing something so different than my usual.
Once upon a time I would have fretted about a professional editor or acquisitions agent reading over my work.
Once upon a time I would have talked myself out of completing any serious long form work in the first place!
Once upon a time is a great opening for fairytales...
Don't get me wrong. Our old stories are wonderful. A soft blanket we can snuggle in to when we're tired, alone, discouraged. They are the building blocks that form us. But if we wish to grow we must add to them. Sometimes that means letting the capricious winds take us where they will.
Have you ever stood facing a gale? It's exhilarating. Makes one feel alive. I'm hoping this new direction my personal wind is blowing will take me to good places never dreamed of. Maybe I'll meet you on the breeze...